Sunday, May 24, 2009

Alert: Really Bad Pictures Ahead...

I thought I would share some things I've made...I know it has been awhile but whatever. The pictures will be terrible 1. Because by the time I finished the items it was VERY late and no natural light was available! 2. My camera is in a funk...I can't decide if it is because my DS 'borrows' it occasionally and sets one of the functions on it improperly or what. I mean sorting that out would require reading the 1 inch thick manual....never gonna happen...LOL.

These are simple little favors for DD Preschool class for her BD...which is in JUNE!!! Boy was that fun to explain..."no we are having a BD party in Early May for your BD in it isn't your BD yet, no REALLY it isn't your BD yet". But then I couldn't resist..."so if it was your BD what theme would you like"..."well if you couldn't pick princesses" "Because the princesses are on vacation at Disney during the they can't come to your party this year, they came last year..." And so it goes.

Oh yeah about the little favor! It was SERIOUSLY simple...I was going to cover the actual candy ala nugget style but one kid has a nut allergy so I wanted to make sure he didn't get the 'nut' candy...and because at 11PM at night well I realized the ONE pack of candy I bought did JUST the amount I much for pre-planning...and no worries no children were hurt in the making or distribution of this candy favor. Thank goodness for PreSchool Teachers that rock...wait until you see the gifts I gave them! They deserve them...and then some!

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